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Resource ConceptMap/FHIR Server from package hitstdio.tw.fhir.dcc#0.0.1 (62 ms)

Package hitstdio.tw.fhir.dcc
Type ConceptMap
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://hitstdio.ntunhs.edu.tw/fhir/file://D:\IG\dcc-tw-test\output/ConceptMap-TWCDCVaccineCodeToQRCodeSctVaccinesCovid19.html
Url http://hitstdio.ntunhs.edu.tw/fhir/ConceptMap/TWCDCVaccineCodeToQRCodeSctVaccinesCovid19
Version 0.0.1
Status draft
Date 2021-08-17T11:14:28+08:00
Name TWCDCVaccineCodeToQRCodeSctVaccinesCovid19
Title TWCDC Vaccine Code to QRCode Sct Vaccines Covid-19
Experimental False
Description TWCDC Vaccine Code to QRCode Sct Vaccines Covid-19

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http://snomed.info/sct SNOMED CT (all versions)
http://snomed.info/sct SNOMED CT (all versions)
http://snomed.info/sct veri
TWCDC-Vaccine-Code TWCDC 疫苗代碼表


Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source

TWCDCVaccineCodeToQRCodeSctVaccinesCovid19 (http://hitstdio.ntunhs.edu.tw/fhir/ConceptMap/TWCDCVaccineCodeToQRCodeSctVaccinesCovid19)

Mapping from http://hitstdio.ntunhs.edu.tw/fhir/CodeSystem/TWCDC-Vaccine-Code to http://snomed.info/sct

DRAFT. Published on 2021/8/17 上午 11:14:28 by Giorgio Cangioli - modified by HITSTD Lab (mailto:hitstdio@gmail.com).

TWCDC Vaccine Code to QRCode Sct Vaccines Covid-19

Source CodeRelationshipDestination CodeComment
CoV_AZ (阿斯特捷利康 COVID-19 疫苗 / AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine)maps to wider concept1119305005 (2019 novel coronavirus antigen vaccine)The target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concepts.
CoV_Pfizer/BNT (輝瑞/BNT COVID-19 疫苗)maps to wider concept1119349007 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 mRNA only vaccine product)The target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concepts.
CoV_Moderna (莫德納 COVID-19 疫苗)maps to wider concept1119349007 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 mRNA only vaccine product)The target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concepts.


  "resourceType" : "ConceptMap",
  "id" : "TWCDCVaccineCodeToQRCodeSctVaccinesCovid19",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "extensions",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><h2>TWCDCVaccineCodeToQRCodeSctVaccinesCovid19 (http://hitstdio.ntunhs.edu.tw/fhir/ConceptMap/TWCDCVaccineCodeToQRCodeSctVaccinesCovid19)</h2><p>Mapping from <a href=\"CodeSystem-TWCDC-Vaccine-Code.html\">http://hitstdio.ntunhs.edu.tw/fhir/CodeSystem/TWCDC-Vaccine-Code</a> to <a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/2.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-snomed-CT.html\">http://snomed.info/sct</a></p><p>DRAFT. Published on 2021/8/17 上午 11:14:28 by Giorgio Cangioli - modified by HITSTD Lab (<a href=\"mailto:mailto:hitstdio@gmail.com\">mailto:hitstdio@gmail.com</a>). </p><div><p>TWCDC Vaccine Code to QRCode Sct Vaccines Covid-19</p>\n</div><br/><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Source Code</b></td><td><b>Relationship</b></td><td><b>Destination Code</b></td><td><b>Comment</b></td></tr><tr><td>CoV_AZ (阿斯特捷利康 COVID-19 ç–«è‹— / AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#wider\">maps to wider concept</a></td><td>1119305005 (2019 novel coronavirus antigen vaccine)</td><td>The target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concepts.</td></tr><tr><td>CoV_Pfizer/BNT (輝瑞/BNT COVID-19 ç–«è‹—)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#wider\">maps to wider concept</a></td><td>1119349007 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 mRNA only vaccine product)</td><td>The target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concepts.</td></tr><tr><td>CoV_Moderna (莫德納 COVID-19 ç–«è‹—)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/codesystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#wider\">maps to wider concept</a></td><td>1119349007 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 mRNA only vaccine product)</td><td>The target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concepts.</td></tr></table></div>"
  "url" : "http://hitstdio.ntunhs.edu.tw/fhir/ConceptMap/TWCDCVaccineCodeToQRCodeSctVaccinesCovid19",
  "version" : "0.0.1",
  "name" : "TWCDCVaccineCodeToQRCodeSctVaccinesCovid19",
  "title" : "TWCDC Vaccine Code to QRCode Sct Vaccines Covid-19",
  "status" : "draft",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2021-08-17T11:14:28+08:00",
  "publisher" : "Giorgio Cangioli - modified by HITSTD Lab",
  "contact" : [
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "email",
          "value" : "mailto:hitstdio@gmail.com"
  "description" : "TWCDC Vaccine Code to QRCode Sct Vaccines Covid-19",
  "jurisdiction" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
          "code" : "158"
      "text" : "Taiwan"
  "sourceUri" : "http://hitstdio.ntunhs.edu.tw/fhir/CodeSystem/TWCDC-Vaccine-Code",
  "targetUri" : "http://snomed.info/sct",
  "group" : [
      "source" : "http://hitstdio.ntunhs.edu.tw/fhir/CodeSystem/TWCDC-Vaccine-Code",
      "target" : "http://snomed.info/sct",
      "element" : [
          "code" : "CoV_AZ",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "1119305005",
              "equivalence" : "wider",
              "comment" : "The target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concepts."
          "code" : "CoV_Pfizer/BNT",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "1119349007",
              "equivalence" : "wider",
              "comment" : "The target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concepts."
          "code" : "CoV_Moderna",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "1119349007",
              "equivalence" : "wider",
              "comment" : "The target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concepts."

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.